Jan Chetna Sewa Samiti

Striving to Establish an Equitable Healthy Society

Bedias, Bhatus and Kanjars

Bedia, Bhatu and Kanjar castes reside in Shamsabad, Fatehabad, Pinahat, Barauli Ahir, Fatehpur Sikri and Achhnera development blocks of Agra district. Women from these castes are engaged in sex for money, while men folk are engaged in criminal activities like theft, robbery, kidnapping and illicit sale of liquor. As the social environment in rural areas is considerably different from the one in urban areas, families of these caste groups live a little away from the main village and carry out their activities from there.

Bedia Community

  1. Men are of criminal nature and are mainly engaged in crimes like theft, robbery, kidnapping (particularly of little girls) and illicit brewing and sale of liquor.
  2. They do not marry off their girls. Rather their girls are engaged in commercial sex.
  3. Apart from villages, these girls go to large cities and foreign countries, particularly in Arab countries for the trade.
  4. Educational level of this community is at its minimum. Just 2 to 3 per cent of their population is educated up to High School and above. The educated families try their level best to ensure that their children become policeman or lawyer so they can cooperate in their criminal activities.
  5. They make available girls and liquor to local influential people and officials and conduct their business.
  6. Their information system is very strong. They do not give any information to any unknown person, without being satisfied or without middleman. They have trained their children in this.
  7. Most of the women take gutkha, tobacco and paan and a few women also take liquor. Most of the men are always drunk.
  8. Their men also work as pimp and make security arrangements of their girls and women.
  9. Their girls are engaged in free sex from 15-16 years to 25-30 years age. After this they try to become keep of any rich, beautiful and affluent person so that they can ensure sufficient money for their livelihood and have beautiful children. This is the reason that their girls of this community are very beautiful and attractive.
  10. The girls are expert in singing and dancing. After the closure of the dance bars in Maharashtra, they have come back from there and are again engaged in sex work for meeting their requirements.

Bhatu Community

Bedia community members are also called Bhatu as per specific area. For name they marry off their daughters. They are also engaged in all those activities in which Bedia community members are engaged.

Kanjar Community

Members of this community try to show off as Banjara and also sell small merchandise like as foodies, colours, bangles and other cosmetic items, but their business is only for show off. They are actually engaged in crimes like illicit distilling of liquor, theft, kidnapping and other crimes.

Women from Kanjar community are mainly engaged in sex business. They generally move out on their business around 3:00 or 4:00 early in the morning and come back by late evening. The condition of the children in this community is really bad. Elder children look after younger ones. This is the reason that they are unable to study. When they see their elders gambling and taking liquor, they learn these vices early and become its victim.

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Parmar Hospital
Mohalla Tola
Agra – 283 125
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