Jan Chetna Sewa Samiti

Striving to Establish an Equitable Healthy Society

Volunteer for Us

Jan Chetna Sewa Samiti feels that an organisation must have an active and resourceful citizen base for making a difference. As resources with JCSS are very limited, the role of volunteerism comes in handy. Several volunteers have played important and critical roles in the past in furthering the cause JCSS espouses for. These volunteers have come from diverse backgrounds. For all of them association with JCSS has been an enriching experience. JCSS always maintains communication with the volunteers who have contributed to the organisation.

Anyone can volunteer for JCSS. It is indeed immaterial if a prospective volunteer is a student, a teacher, a professional, a social scientist, or a housewife. Education or degree of prospective volunteer is also immaterial. What matters is the presence of the spirit of volunteerism in the person.

Kindly use the form on write to us page for volunteering, or get in touch at the address provided on contact us page.

Charitable Clinic

JCSS is running a charitable Ayurvedic clinic at Shaheed Nagar, Agra. Using Ayurvedic, Panchkarma and Indian traditional health systems, people are provided treatment to their ailments. JCSS sees the role of traditional healers as complimentary to modern medicine.

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