Jan Chetna Sewa Samiti

Striving to Establish an Equitable Healthy Society

Transit Migrants Intervention Project

transit-migrants-intervention-projectTransit Migrant Intervention project is a part of TI project implemented by JCSS at Agra Cant Railway Station and is funded by NACO/UPSACS. This programme seeks to create awareness about HIV/AIDS and STI among the transits. Under the project outreach workers cover the migrant through group activities, which include awareness generation about HIV/AIDS and distribution of IEC materials.

For better implementation of the programme JCSS has created effective network with railway officials, GRP and RPF, coolies, vendors and other stakeholders. They support our programme and help in it. We conduct minimum two mid-media activities every month to cover maximum migrants.

Charitable Clinic

JCSS is running a charitable Ayurvedic clinic at Shaheed Nagar, Agra. Using Ayurvedic, Panchkarma and Indian traditional health systems, people are provided treatment to their ailments. JCSS sees the role of traditional healers as complimentary to modern medicine.

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