Jan Chetna Sewa Samiti

Striving to Establish an Equitable Healthy Society

Target Community

JCSS works with:

  • Women, children and old persons,
  • General people, and
  • Specific caste groups.

Activities in the domain of Reproductive and Child Healthcare are targeted at women and children. Eye camps benefit the old persons. TB Control, Ayurveda and Yoga related activities are for general people. Lastly, HIV and AIDS related activities are focused on Bedia, Bhatu and Kanjar caste groups. Click here to know more about these caste groups.

Charitable Clinic

JCSS is running a charitable Ayurvedic clinic at Shaheed Nagar, Agra. Using Ayurvedic, Panchkarma and Indian traditional health systems, people are provided treatment to their ailments. JCSS sees the role of traditional healers as complimentary to modern medicine.

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