Jan Chetna Sewa Samiti

Striving to Establish an Equitable Healthy Society

Donate to Us

Becoming a donor to JCSS is easy. You can donate to JCSS in a variety of ways:

Online Donation

Using your Internet Banking enabled bank account you can donate to us online from the comfort of your home or ofice. It's safe and secure because you are making transaction on your bank web site. After you have made transaction, please fill the form on write to us page and send transaction ID generated so we can send you a receipt. Our bank details are:

Name of the Account:
Account No.:
IFS Code of the Bank Branch:
Name of the Bank:
Name of the Branch:

At present we do not process debit and credit cards.

Cheque Donation

If you prefer, you can mail us your donation cheque or demand draft. Simply download the donation form, fill out it, attach your cheque and send us in an envelope.

Cash Donation

While visiting the organisaton, you can make a cash donation also.

When you donate to JCSS, you have satisfaction of donating to an organisation committed to the cause of the deprived sections of society.

Our big thanks to you in advance.

Charitable Clinic

JCSS is running a charitable Ayurvedic clinic at Shaheed Nagar, Agra. Using Ayurvedic, Panchkarma and Indian traditional health systems, people are provided treatment to their ailments. JCSS sees the role of traditional healers as complimentary to modern medicine.

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