Jan Chetna Sewa Samiti

Striving to Establish an Equitable Healthy Society

PPTCT Project

pptct-projectJCSS is working with IL&FS for PPTCT Programme since 2012 with the objective to stop transmission of HIV/AIDS from parents to child.

The field staffs search positive pregnant women and counsel them about testing and motivate and accompany them to PPTCT/ICTC/ART Centre, often with the help of AWW/ASHA, so that they can live healthy life.

  • In the year 2013-14, JCSS added 25 new positive ANC with ICTC/PPTCT/ART Centre and conducted follow up of 22 old ANCs.
  • Total 80 PNCs was followed up and out of them 50 were old PNCs which were followed up.
  • A total of 1,568 referrals were done and 1,034 women were tested.

Nevrapine was given to five children and DBS is being given to 18 children at primary level and to 12 children at secondary level.

Charitable Clinic

JCSS is running a charitable Ayurvedic clinic at Shaheed Nagar, Agra. Using Ayurvedic, Panchkarma and Indian traditional health systems, people are provided treatment to their ailments. JCSS sees the role of traditional healers as complimentary to modern medicine.

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